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Friday, July 2, 2010

It has been a long while!

I figured I would update....after a few stressful weeks and bad eating habits, my weight has fluctuated. I was up, I was the same, I was not good. Finally I have lost the past 3 (I think) weeks in a row, bringing me down to 152.8, the lowest I've been since around last Thanksgiving. (I think that is when my weight gain began, although I may have been chunkier then and didn't even realize it.) Anyways, I am happy to report that I am losing again, and have a small glimmer of hope that I will reach my goal weight before my sisters wedding. Realistically, with my current pace and ensuing nervous breakdowns before the bar, I'm guessing (HOPING/PRAYING) that I will drop to 145. I would be ecstatic! Anyways...back to work! Hope all is well :)

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