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Friday, July 2, 2010

It has been a long while!

I figured I would update....after a few stressful weeks and bad eating habits, my weight has fluctuated. I was up, I was the same, I was not good. Finally I have lost the past 3 (I think) weeks in a row, bringing me down to 152.8, the lowest I've been since around last Thanksgiving. (I think that is when my weight gain began, although I may have been chunkier then and didn't even realize it.) Anyways, I am happy to report that I am losing again, and have a small glimmer of hope that I will reach my goal weight before my sisters wedding. Realistically, with my current pace and ensuing nervous breakdowns before the bar, I'm guessing (HOPING/PRAYING) that I will drop to 145. I would be ecstatic! Anyways...back to work! Hope all is well :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

quick update

Gained 3.2 pounds in 13 days. YUCK. YUCK. YUCK. Back on track this week....hoping for a good (2+) loss!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


In the midst of the craziness yesterday (thank you both for your help!) I failed to post my awesome news...I have officially lost 10% of my starting weight! I got an awesome little keychain (not really, but its pretty much the only tangible thing WW gives you haha) and I'm pretty excited and motivated to lose the rest of the weight! I am down 17.6, only 13.6 left to go :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

fun stuff

this is the fun part about the online tools with weight watchers: Charts!!


It has been exactly 12 weeks I've since I've started Weight Watchers. In that time I have lost a grand total of 16 lbs......averaging 5lbs per month. Slower than I had hoped, but I still think it is good progress. Today I was down 1.8 lbs. Next week, I should be at 10% which is great. We have a new leader, who is probably 20 years younger than the last one, and I really like her. Someone got 10% this week and she stayed after to talk with them about goals and what not, so I'm excited to see what she has to say next week. They also recognized me this week b/c I did a 5K over the weekend. I'll get my 5K charm for my key chain toward the end of May -they don't have them yet b/c I did my 5K too early haha. I announced my goal was to run a 5K by the end of the summer. So that is a new goal that I have to stick with! I guess that is all for now. :)

How is everyone else fairing?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

lost 1 pound

at least this is in the right direction. my weight loss has definitely slowed down :( EC is great at making me workout. sooo i'm hoping i will continue this downward trend. i have a few new goals along the way to my ideal goal, so i'm hoping this is my turning point to get over this "plateau" of sorts. we shall see. i thought my plateau would come at 150, but i guess not? lets hope i don't plateau again in 7 pounds!! psssssssss if i lose 3 lbs this week (highly unlikely) then i will be down 10%!!! that will be super exciting AND i get a key chain :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

+0.6 lbs

Not bad for a holiday weekend!!!