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Wednesday, March 24, 2010


We all need to get together for something fun!! Maybe a healthy dinner?? We can do homemade (I <3 Cooking) or go out somewhere-where no one will make you feel pressured to eat the amazing dessert or have empty calorie drinks or will make fun of you for eating salad! :)


  1. I think that this sounds like a wonderful idea! I'm free Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 6pm. I'm up for either in-house or on-the-town dinner so just let me know what you guys want to do and/or what you need me to bring!!

  2. It will have to be a Tuesday night, as EC & KRR have Monday & Wednesday night classes!

  3. EC just said she is in....and she sucks at keeping up with the blog. thoughts on when?
