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Friday, March 12, 2010

Lost 5%!

I ended up losing 2.2 lbs this past week, but I'll admit it was *not* the healthiest way. I went way over my points earlier in the week, so my last 2 days I ate a total of 16.5 points...when I'm supposed to have 23 each day. So yes, I am now at 161.8, which is great, but if I eat normally this week, I won't be surprised if I don't lose anything when I weigh in next week. But, I have officially lost 5% (9.4 lbs) which is pretty exciting! Next goal, 10% (17 lbs) aka 7.6 lbs. I'm currently averaging 1.6 lbs lost per week, which would mean it would take me another month+ to get there. I'm hoping to stick with my points and lose 2lbs a week (which is healthy) but we will seeeeee.

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