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Friday, January 29, 2010

Uh oh....

So I'm spending the weekend with my family -tonight going to a hockey game w/my dad & sis, tomorrow/sunday going to Slippery Rock for my sister's performance- and I'm worried about how its all gonna go down. I don't really want to tell them I joined WW, mainly because I will not get a positive reaction from them, but I really don't want to mess up my points the first week. I'm still new at this, so its not like I can guess points or remember everything to track later, I'm gonna have to bring my packet o' information with me. Ugh. Plus they always like eating alot and always have reasons why I shouldn't worry about what I'm eating. (But its of course ok for my Mom to not eat alot cuz she had that surgery to lose weight, or its ok for my sister to not eat alot b/c she is picky....I have no reason not to eat. Right.)

Anyhoo....I'm bringing my stuff with me and hopefully will be able to keep to points and maybe sneak in the bathroom to record it! lol

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weight Watchers!

I had my first meeting today. I'm kind of annoyed that I'm paying to lose weight, but at the same time I'm excited b/c I think it will work. Plus my cousin in Cincy goes to WW too, so we can be buddies lol. I weighed in at 171.2 and of course I will keep you posted on my progress!

Monday, January 25, 2010


My scale said 169 today! Yay! Granted it was right before I took a shower this morning, so I hadn't ate anything and I didn't have bulky clothes on, but it is a number in the right direction :) -KR

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I am getting no where with this weight loss. I had a bad weekend last weekend when I spent it in Cincy with my 2 fav cousins. We ate a sh*t ton of crap. This past week was ok. Nothing too stellar. I really need to start adding physical activity back into my life. Hopefully starting this week, working only 20 hours/week, only 2 1/2 classes (legal drafting = 1/2), I will be able to start movin' and shakin'. Also, one of my old roommate's friends wants to start taking adult tap classes with me! Should be fun if she can find us a class. And, last but not least, I am starting Weight Watchers this week. I think if I am paying someone to tell me how to lose weight-which I know how to do by myself- I will be much more likely to follow it. I don't want to waste my money, so I'll follow it and lose weight. Hopefully.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well, I was doing well...

I was doing so much better at the end of last week. I hadn't been on the treadmill as much as I would have liked, but I was still eating a bit better and hadn't had any snacks or anything throughout the week. Even ended the week about 2 lbs down from my starting weight. Then this week it all fell apart. I went into work yesterday and someone had brought in doughnuts. Shouldn't have been a problem - I was eating my breakfast cereal (I have a container that I bring some cereal and milk to work) and I should have just ignored the doughnuts in the office kitchen. Which, as I'm sure you have guessed, I was unable to do - twice :( By the end of the day I had eaten two Krispy Cream doughnuts. I figured that I could try and make up for this by running on the treadmill in the evening. When I got home, I started to run, but because I hadn't slept well the night before, I only made it for a half-hour before I had to give up.

I weighed myself this morning (it showed that I had gained almost 1.5 lbs) but I'm not sure if the scale was actually correct or not, so I'm going to wait until tomorrow morning's weigh-in before I get way too upset over it. I'm going to force myself to get back on the treadmill tonight when I get home from class and hopefully I will make it through the whole workout this time around.

Also, I wanted to know if you guys had heard about a new weight-loss program that is out there. It is called the "4 x 400 diet" (or something along those lines) where you eat 4 meals / times per day, but each time you eat, you only eat 400 calories at a time. Apparently it is supposed to speed up your metabolism and at the same time keep your calorie count down. I supposed you could also do a 4 x 450 or 4 x 500 if 400 calories at a sitting isn't enough for you. Just thought I would share that - I'm kind of considering trying to do something like that once I officially get my work and school schedules worked out.

By the end of the week, I want to be down to at least the 146s - that would be about 3 lbs since the start (not a lot, but at least a start, I guess).


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hi My Name is Big E and I Am A Fat Kid

so in extreme desperation for food and needing medicine and feeling sorry for myself I went to Acme yesterday...ugh I am a compulsive grocery what did I buy you ask?!?! the most amazing fat kid food ever...sour cream dip (like the french onion kind) that was flavored white cheddar and bacon...all kinds of i am terrified of getting on the scale...i am weak :(

on a different note: i have been parking further away than necessary when i come to campus lately so that i have to walk...yes it sucks cause it is cold but the bright side is that i get exercise...

The Pie that Killed Me

So I exchanged my labor law books with a certain master baker night student who made me the most AMAZING chocolate rum pecan pie!!!!!!!!!!!! so amazing, but do you know how bad it is for you? oh mannn it is my demise. so, when i went home yesterday for my dad's bday, i left about half+ for my parents to enjoy. it was so sad leaving the pie, but it was the right thing to do. i knew i left the pie in the correct home. anyways, so today i came home from class hungry, so i had my last piece of pie. and was still having a grumbling tummy so i ate some of matt's pizza rolls. dang. i was doing well today soon. i can't wait till i get rid of the crap in my apt so my only option is healthiness. ughhh i suck with self-control. tomorrow is another day with no pie and no pizza rolls. weight 171.5 pre-pie/pizza. goal for the remainder of the week and next week.....negative scale results each day. oh! new goal as 25th bday is exactly 7 weeks from yesterday. i want to lose 12 pounds by then. pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase hold me accountable :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Quick Question

Thoughts on Weight Watchers/Jenny Craig? Anyone try it before or know people who have? Thanks :)


okay so here is the number low down...

right now i am weighing in at 147...BUT i was sick for three days and didn't eat so i am gonna round this up to 152 cause i have dropped quite a bit in the past few days...not holding any food down is NOT a good diet kids! (don't try this at home...or even worse at a friend's apartment)

my official be at 130 by finals time...i would like to look good this summer and i am quite ready to spend some time at the if i look good i will feel good...this is a reasonable goal because it is five pounds a month...

so kr and i went to applebees tonight...we both had the asiago peppercorn steak for is on the 550 calorie menu and was amazingly delicious...negative was the price point but you get what you pay for :)

ps...i really don't want to go to class tomorrow night!

Life's a bitch and then you die.

Alright time for my first pre-diet post!

So, let's start with the easy stuff. My starting weight is roughly 170 lbs, height 5'8", BMI 25 = Overweight! A healthy BMI is around 22. My first goal is 150 lbs, my second goal after that is back to size 6 (currently size 10/12). Now to the long part where I may ramble.

Why I am overweight:
Genetics: Both my parents are, scratch that, were overweight. I've got aunts, uncles & cousins on both sides of the family that are overweight
Lazy; overeat; no love life (when i'm interested in a guy, i am more conscious of maintaining a healthy weight); stress; emotional eater....and i'm sure more!

We will start with my weight issue history. I was a dancer from the age 3 until my senior year of college. (yeah, I was an idiot and drunkly did the splits and tore my hamstring the week before classes my senior year, ending my dance career) During high school I of course wanted to be skinnier, but never really had an issue with my weight. My main issues started in college. My first semester I started around 150 lbs, and ended the semester at 170. Yes, I gained 20 lbs in about 4 months. When I realized that I can't the weight, I decided to do something about it. I started the South Beach Diet - which my dad did and lost about 50-75 lbs- and I lost those 20 lbs second semester. Sophomore & Junior year I still maintained my weight in the 150s. Senior year, after my hamstring healed, I started training for a half marathon, which promptly ended b/c when I went home for Christmas break and had no desire to run in the snow. Plus I hate running anyways. Second semester I got a personal trainer and did my best to stay in shape. I love lifting weights fyi. school.

Law school ruins lives. My weight has been up and down during law school and I don't think there is 1 specific thing I can point to as the cause of my weight loss. My law school low was when I fit into NY & Co size 6 pants (NY&C runs large) and my high weight is now....roughly 170. (roughly= at least) At one point it was low b/c I wanted things to work out w/Stephen. I made sure to eat well, do my work out videos, whitened my teeth etc. b/c I was so body conscious around him. That didn't work, and I think this past spring semester was when the weight started packing on. I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do now do get the weight off, and keep the weight off.

Here's how I've attempted to lose weight in the past:
South Beach Diet: lost 20 pounds in 4 months, but that was also eating on campus at the dining hall where I could easily eat healthy options that tasted good and didn't cost me anything.

My own diet: Average 7,000 calories per week, no more than 1500 in 1 day, no pop, 64 oz. of water per day, no food after 9pm. This worked, but was impossible to maintain. Its pretty much what I did in the stephen weightloss era.

Eat in moderation: Psh. Epic fail.

Oh I forgot to mention I can become obsessed about learning how to lose weight. I can tell you how many calories you are eating, how much sodium, what food choices are good, which ones are bad, which restaurants have the best/worst food and what those are...etc. What vitamins/supplements are good/bad....I mean I can tell you a lot. Not saying I follow it, but I know it.

Anyways, I was toying around with either doing Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. I've got 7 months to drop weight before my sister's wedding. I figured it would be a healthy way to lose the weight, instead of my create-your-own diet (being excited b/c you had 900 cals 3 days in a row is not healthy when you need about 1900ish per day), but it would be costly. I could do South Beach, but it is so easy to not follow through, and that diet you have to follow. If you cheat at all, it doesn't work. Ugh I hate that I have so much weight to lose, but I've gotta do it. Then maybe my love live will pick up lol. I need to buy a digital scale (I have the non-digital kind) so I can accurately track my weight!

One last thing, my mom had gastric bypass surgery and I am very bitter about that. I would write about that now, but I'm sleepy, and this post is long enough as is!


Friday, January 8, 2010

FLABULOUS...not so much

my goal is to fit back in my absolutely adorable pair of american eagle jeans with the pink stitching they are a size six...don't really know how much weight this is but that is my goal...

a bit of background on me...the summer of 2006 i became anorexic...not because i thought i was fat but because i had a lot of personal stress going on in my mom was in the hospital for over three months and my dad lost his job...i had absolutely no appetite...i would have around 2 meals every 3 days if that and they weren't even full meals...getting me to eat was a real that being said i went from being a size 12 pant size to a size 4 pant size in the course of about 4 months...eventually things started getting better with the family and i got depressed over a boy so i started eating again...and ended up back at about a size 10 pant size at the moment...

so i really want to exercise more and be healthier...i make truly poor eating choices although i did give up pop at the beginning of the year...i really want our group to support each other with our eating choices as well as keeping us honest with exercising...


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Introductory Goals - JW

Up through my senior year of college, I was really good about watching my weight and exercising, but when I started on a new med that caused me to gain 20 lbs, I got frustrated and really just let myself go. I'm now at least 20-25 lbs overweight and I hate how out of shape I feel. Every year since college, I have claimed that I was going to work on losing the weight, but have never been able to discipline myself enough to actually do so. This is the year that I want to change that trend.

I have a couple of goals that I am looking to accomplish this year. First, I want to get back down to around 125 lbs. I'm only 5'1" and feel that 125 lbs would be a good and healthy weight for me. I started this year at 149.4 lbs and have been bouncing between that weight and
148.6 lbs during this first week of attempted weight loss. I think that if I could lose a minimum of 2-3 lbs per week, I would feel good about my weight loss.

I also want to be able to run a half-marathon by the end of this year (my 53 year old mother runs marathons and she didn't even start running until she was 45 years old). I'm currently working out on my treadmill every day. I'm doing a combination of walking and jogging for 40 minutes and my short term goal is to be able to jog/run the full 40 minutes. I'm hoping to be able to do this by February 1.

I really think that we all can do this! Good luck to all!



This is the first post!!!

Want to start with weight loss goals? Starting point? Whatever you are comfortable with! :)

Oh and don't forget to sign with either your nickname or initials.