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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Pie that Killed Me

So I exchanged my labor law books with a certain master baker night student who made me the most AMAZING chocolate rum pecan pie!!!!!!!!!!!! so amazing, but do you know how bad it is for you? oh mannn it is my demise. so, when i went home yesterday for my dad's bday, i left about half+ for my parents to enjoy. it was so sad leaving the pie, but it was the right thing to do. i knew i left the pie in the correct home. anyways, so today i came home from class hungry, so i had my last piece of pie. and was still having a grumbling tummy so i ate some of matt's pizza rolls. dang. i was doing well today soon. i can't wait till i get rid of the crap in my apt so my only option is healthiness. ughhh i suck with self-control. tomorrow is another day with no pie and no pizza rolls. weight 171.5 pre-pie/pizza. goal for the remainder of the week and next week.....negative scale results each day. oh! new goal as 25th bday is exactly 7 weeks from yesterday. i want to lose 12 pounds by then. pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase hold me accountable :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I know that the pie would have been REALLY hard for me to leave behind. As for the rest of the junk left in your house - my advice is to do one of the following:

    1. Have people over who will eat it (preferably all in one evening)
    2. Throw it away

    I know that throwing it away seems like a waste of good food (which it is, I grant you) but better to spend a few extra dollars now buying the better stuff than to try and portion the crappy stuff out so as to eat it and not gain all the weight associated with it.

    Great goal with the negative scale results - be sure to keep us posted each day (or every other day) with the new results so that we can congratulate you (I'm already assuming that you can do it and therefore there will be no need to yell at you instead :)
