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Friday, January 8, 2010

FLABULOUS...not so much

my goal is to fit back in my absolutely adorable pair of american eagle jeans with the pink stitching they are a size six...don't really know how much weight this is but that is my goal...

a bit of background on me...the summer of 2006 i became anorexic...not because i thought i was fat but because i had a lot of personal stress going on in my mom was in the hospital for over three months and my dad lost his job...i had absolutely no appetite...i would have around 2 meals every 3 days if that and they weren't even full meals...getting me to eat was a real that being said i went from being a size 12 pant size to a size 4 pant size in the course of about 4 months...eventually things started getting better with the family and i got depressed over a boy so i started eating again...and ended up back at about a size 10 pant size at the moment...

so i really want to exercise more and be healthier...i make truly poor eating choices although i did give up pop at the beginning of the year...i really want our group to support each other with our eating choices as well as keeping us honest with exercising...


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