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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well, I was doing well...

I was doing so much better at the end of last week. I hadn't been on the treadmill as much as I would have liked, but I was still eating a bit better and hadn't had any snacks or anything throughout the week. Even ended the week about 2 lbs down from my starting weight. Then this week it all fell apart. I went into work yesterday and someone had brought in doughnuts. Shouldn't have been a problem - I was eating my breakfast cereal (I have a container that I bring some cereal and milk to work) and I should have just ignored the doughnuts in the office kitchen. Which, as I'm sure you have guessed, I was unable to do - twice :( By the end of the day I had eaten two Krispy Cream doughnuts. I figured that I could try and make up for this by running on the treadmill in the evening. When I got home, I started to run, but because I hadn't slept well the night before, I only made it for a half-hour before I had to give up.

I weighed myself this morning (it showed that I had gained almost 1.5 lbs) but I'm not sure if the scale was actually correct or not, so I'm going to wait until tomorrow morning's weigh-in before I get way too upset over it. I'm going to force myself to get back on the treadmill tonight when I get home from class and hopefully I will make it through the whole workout this time around.

Also, I wanted to know if you guys had heard about a new weight-loss program that is out there. It is called the "4 x 400 diet" (or something along those lines) where you eat 4 meals / times per day, but each time you eat, you only eat 400 calories at a time. Apparently it is supposed to speed up your metabolism and at the same time keep your calorie count down. I supposed you could also do a 4 x 450 or 4 x 500 if 400 calories at a sitting isn't enough for you. Just thought I would share that - I'm kind of considering trying to do something like that once I officially get my work and school schedules worked out.

By the end of the week, I want to be down to at least the 146s - that would be about 3 lbs since the start (not a lot, but at least a start, I guess).


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