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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hi My Name is Big E and I Am A Fat Kid

so in extreme desperation for food and needing medicine and feeling sorry for myself I went to Acme yesterday...ugh I am a compulsive grocery what did I buy you ask?!?! the most amazing fat kid food ever...sour cream dip (like the french onion kind) that was flavored white cheddar and bacon...all kinds of i am terrified of getting on the scale...i am weak :(

on a different note: i have been parking further away than necessary when i come to campus lately so that i have to walk...yes it sucks cause it is cold but the bright side is that i get exercise...


  1. oh man you are smart. i gotta start parking far away!

  2. I feel your pain. Last week I went to pick up something at the store and ended up with French Onion Dip and Ruffles chips :( Not only did I end up eating the chips and dip that night, but I ended up eating almost half of the stinking bag. The best thing that I did for myself was to get on the scale and force myself to see what I had done - gave me (yet another) wake up call and after I admitted to my husband that I was eating chips, I was finally able to take the remaining chips and throw them away.
    Just get back on the horse and move forward - can't change the past, so we have to change the future!
